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Cardiff airport

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Cardiff airport

PostTue Jul 22, 2014 10:19 pm

Couple of (bad) news stories for the nationalised airport:

Compare and contrast the recent news from Brizzle and Cardiff airports. Not happy reading for those talking up the fortunes of Cardiff. I can't actually see any actual airline activity news on the Cardiff summary!!!




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Re: Cardiff airport

PostTue Jul 22, 2014 10:44 pm

it said on the news that the air link had received £9 million of public money :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

£9 million could have built schools and hospitals


Re: Cardiff airport

PostWed Jul 23, 2014 10:56 am

westy wrote:it said on the news that the air link had received £9 million of public money :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

£9 million could have built schools and hospitals

£9m subsidy for 65,000 pax, that's nealry £140 per passenger. I reckon Ieuan Wyn Jones must account for half the subsidy...

it will be good to see this subsidy go, it would be better spent on something that has a chance of paying back


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Re: Cardiff airport

PostWed Jul 23, 2014 11:34 am

westy wrote:it said on the news that the air link had received £9 million of public money :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

£9 million could have built schools and hospitals

Please, £9m would barely even build a school. Maybe a medium sized primary school but that's it. £9m over 8 years is chicken feed in comparison to the money that the Welsh Government wastes on the 3rd sector.

The link could be viable but many people I know are put off because there is no hold space. It is hand luggage only or was and people have been put off by this. It isn't going to be attractive to a student or tourists if they can't take actual luggage.


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Re: Cardiff airport

PostWed Jul 23, 2014 7:35 pm

The issue with the link is the location of the airport in North Wales. The Airport is located in the South West Corner on Anglesey and is actually quite far away from the major population centers in the north.

Wrexham is 1hr 30 minutes drive away
Colwyn Bay is 45 minutes
Porthmadog is an hour away with the holiday destinations in the Llyn Peninsular about 1hr to 90 minutes away
Even Bangor is a 30 minute drive

Add to this check in times and travel from Cardiff city centre to the airport and you are still looking at a considerable journey time. You can reach most places in the North by car from Cardiff in 4hrs, and by train in 4 to 4.5 hours.

My other half's family lives in Pwllhelli and while we have looked at this flight, we have never bothered as it would involve someone having to drive over 1 hour each way to come and get us.

Unless you live on Anglesey (only 68 K do) there is little point in this flight at all.

If the airport was located at or near Bangor, it would make much more sense.


Re: Cardiff airport

PostWed Jul 23, 2014 7:42 pm

Ahem, Ieuan Wyn Jones lives on Anglesey, why would you expect the subsidised flight approved by IWJ to fly to the bigger population centres?


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Re: Cardiff airport

PostThu Jul 24, 2014 8:12 am ... ff-7494547

Surely reading this Sion Barry is deluded, Cardiff will never beat bristol to get this route!


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Re: Cardiff airport

PostThu Jul 24, 2014 8:18 am

I've used the Cardiff - Anglesey service a few times and I don't think I've seen it more than 2/3rds full, which considering it's a 19 seater is pretty poor.
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Re: Cardiff airport

PostThu Jul 24, 2014 10:21 am

dave wrote:

Surely reading this Sion Barry is deluded, Cardiff will never beat bristol to get this route!

The logical choice is Bristol as a more successful airport isn't it ? It depends on how much money Carwyn and co will throw at them. At least they are trying, which is more than the previous owners did, you can't fault them for that.

The thing I'm curious about is his assumption that only one middle east carrier will come to one of the airports. Both of the main UAE airlines are growing massively so it wouldn't shock me to see one at each airport. Does he know this for sure or is he just making assumptions ?


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Re: Cardiff airport

PostThu Jul 24, 2014 12:47 pm

Maybe the middle eastern carrier will choose Cardiff due to the bigger runway (A380 potential) and there being plenty of space to accommodate additional passenger numbers. An added bonus, if the long haul carrier came to Cardiff, would be a lot of sudden interest by the short haul carriers to get some of that business. Plus Cardiff are keen on adding a new terminal, which could be a selling point.
Glass is perhaps more than half full at this point.

Realistically Bristol is probably less risky, but it's certainly worth Cardiff putting a good pitch together, and who knows.

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