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Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Station

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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostWed Aug 02, 2017 8:28 pm

I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work, maybe extended to Bridgend to provide a Vale line service.
Someone needs to sort out the airport shuttle first and then at least double the frequencies though.
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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostThu Aug 03, 2017 1:07 am

To make the airport connection work, then it would require a relatively short spur off the Vale of Glamorgan line into the airport, with frequencies of at least every 30 minutes. Then the existing airport shuttle to Rhoose can be dropped and not necessary to increase Vale services to Bridgend as these are sufficient.
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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostThu Aug 03, 2017 5:10 pm



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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostThu Aug 03, 2017 5:46 pm

A spur would only be required if the current terminal buildings are retained. There's ample room for a new terminal to the south east of the runway adjacent to the existing railway. A slight realignment of the line would probaby be recquired but the airport could then be served by existing VOG line servicesin both directions as well as any future shuttle.

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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostThu Aug 03, 2017 6:07 pm

Zach wrote:


I seem to remember that one of the senior executives at Admiral was behind this campaign. The infographic at your link makes a compelling case not to build the spur but to quote Kevin Costner "If you build it they will come."

As far as i know the Heathrow spur - which would allow direct trains to Cardiff - has gone out for a second consultation after being shelved. This delay should give impetus to develop rail services to Cardiff Airport. I stayed in Hounslow earlier this week to pick up a relative from Heathrow early in the morning. The Piccadilly line - the slowest of the three rail links to Heathrow - is busy till the early hours during the week and runs 24 hours at the weekend. Without these rail links - to be joined by Crossrail next year - Heathrow would never have developed to the extent it has.

I know that there isn't a bottomless pot of money but CWL will never flourish to the extent it could do unless the spur is built.

Two relatives have flown in from Australia in the past fortnight and one needed picking up as she wasn't confident of negotiating London during morning rush hour. The other (a train driver from Sydney) got Heathrow Express then the GW to Cardiff. It is ridiculous that they couldn't easily fly to Cardiff via Dublin or Schipol. A rail spur to CWL would almost certainly SPUR new flight routes.


Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostThu Aug 03, 2017 6:53 pm

Simon_SW17 wrote:I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work, maybe extended to Bridgend to provide a Vale line service.
Someone needs to sort out the airport shuttle first and then at least double the frequencies though.

Why would someone get off a train to catch a bus to a place the train can also take them to?
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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostThu Aug 03, 2017 7:47 pm

I was joking when I posted the "Stop the Spur" Link!!
NIMBY'ism at it worst.

This is the sort of scheme the WAG should be involved in after all the own the bloody airport.
They should take the example of the devolved government in Scotland for transport initiatives.
newly re-opened Train Line, A major Bridge, extended Motorway, oh and an on time and in budget Tram System.


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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostThu Aug 03, 2017 9:30 pm

Mr Blue Sky wrote:It is ridiculous that they couldn't easily fly to Cardiff via Dublin or Schipol. A rail spur to CWL would almost certainly SPUR new flight routes.

Cardiff > Sydney is pretty straight forward with KLM/China Southern. I've done it twice with Gatwick (rather than Heathrow) size fares and journey times south of 24 hours. It should be even easier via Qatar.
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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostFri Aug 04, 2017 4:50 am

Ash wrote:
Mr Blue Sky wrote:It is ridiculous that they couldn't easily fly to Cardiff via Dublin or Schipol. A rail spur to CWL would almost certainly SPUR new flight routes.

Cardiff > Sydney is pretty straight forward with KLM/China Southern. I've done it twice with Gatwick (rather than Heathrow) size fares and journey times south of 24 hours. It should be even easier via Qatar.

I fly all over the world from CWL via Shipol. It would be easier with three connecting flights a day instead of two but still easier than going to LHR. I have never flown via Dublin, but did once connect to Dubai via Glasgow.
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Re: Cardiff Parkway Business Park - and new St Mellons Stati

PostFri Aug 04, 2017 5:04 am

Zach wrote:


I thought you were being serious. The figures given in the Infomatic are nonsense but would trigger a reaction in the usual suspects.

At the moment there are 4 trains an hour which go to Barry Island. Not that there is that much demand to visit the ghosts of Butlins... but because it is easier for them to turn around there than try to do it at Barry itself. It would not be difficult to reschedule at least half of these to continue to an Airport spur instead to create a stopping service to Valley lines....and then introduce an express service stopping only at Barry, Cardiff Central ....Cardiff Parkway (to bring this thread back on topic) and on to Newport.

I estimate cost of spur at about 10 million ...and think that it would quickly achieve a high usage, and be invaluable in increasing CWL passenger numbers.
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