if it's about Cardiff.. Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business, Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking, Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
Yup, it will be value uplift - plus probably a couple hundred K a year from rental income from the obligatory WH Smith, "Pumpkin" coffee shop, Burger King. Retail space in transport hubs is surprisingly expensive.
It sounds fantastic but I doubt now with Covid-19 effects how much of these commercial schemes will come to fruition. Not sure the demand for office space exists anymore like it did 6 months ago?
I think there will still be a demand for modern, high quality, flexible office space, especially in a very accessible location like this. But if I was the owner of a rather clapped-out 1970s office block in the city centre, I would be starting to think about how I could turn it into flats or a hotel...
I agree - it is the right sort of development - at the right time. And most importantly based around public transport. My glass is half full almost to the top!
Build it and they will come. Get it wrong and they will fall off.