This article ... s-16465690 by the Welsh journalist of the year, Will Hayward, is one of the worst I’ve ever read. The title photo is of Central Square but he doesn’t mention this development, only student tower blocks. Is he unaware that every major city in the U.K. has seen high-rise student blocks constructed recently, many of dubious quality?
He writes
You can hardly move in the southern end of the city centre without the word “Zenith” being unceremoniously shoved into your eyes.
This is just not true. In the city centre, the tower is only clearly visible from Callaghan Square and John Street.
And yes, developers of student blocks are avoiding certain obligations and stipulations but they are still increasing the housing supply with better-quality accommodation than older halls-of-residence or run-down terraces in Cathays.
He then lays into Bottle Works Wharf. Picking up on local residents objections that their homes and gardens will be in the shade he makes no mention of the fact that this is a brownfield site right on the edge of the city centre which, in terms of transport, is highly sustainable.
Utter garbage journalism.