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The Capitol

if it's about Cardiff.. Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business, Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking, Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
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penarth bloke

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Re: The Capitol

PostSat Oct 28, 2023 10:54 pm

I'm not convinced that Cardiff is big enough to sustain the current size of the city centre, maybe more residential would be a answer?


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Re: The Capitol

PostSun Oct 29, 2023 11:34 am

I don't think the centre itself is too big (it's very compact in fact), but there is an oversupply of shopping space for the world of 2023. There need to be more reasons to come to the centre which don't require you to spend money. Sounds like the mooted redevelopment of Debenhams recognises this.
We'll have to wait and see whether places like the Canal Quarter become destinations in their own right (like a smaller version of Cheonggyecheon in Seoul ) or whether it will only really be visited by nightlife punters (like Manchester's Canal Street).
As for the Capitol, the basement has hosted lots of pop-up arty events and cinema screenings, while the cinema has been turned into a thrift shop. With a bit of courage, it could be reinvented as an independent business incubator, but it would likely need a lot of grant support. Demolition and redevelopment is probably the best long term bet.


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Re: The Capitol

PostFri Nov 24, 2023 8:58 am

I'm told there's some exciting news coming up for The Capitol very soon, so keep your eyes peeled.


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Re: The Capitol

PostFri Nov 24, 2023 10:08 am

Amoore wrote:I'm told there's some exciting news coming up for The Capitol very soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

Wrecking ball?


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Re: The Capitol

PostThu May 16, 2024 11:27 pm

There is a planning application for Capitol to add advertising/wayfinding boards to direct people to the Gravity Leisure Hub that is going to come to The Capitol
Never heard of Gravity before but from their website, looks like they will need a decent amount of space


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Re: The Capitol

PostSat May 18, 2024 11:26 am

Gravity Max is a phenomenal signing for The Capitol. They’re an immersive gaming arcade with electric go-karting, mini golf, shuffleboard and VR experiences. Since the opening of the first Gravity Max in 2021, the chain now operate 4 sites in the UK, measuring between 60,000 - 100,000 sq ft. Their site at LandSec owned Southside Wandsworth occupies an old Debenhams unit, whilst their largest site at Liverpool One occupies a proportion of an old Debenhams unit. I fully expected the impending arrival of Gravity Max in Cardiff, however I had them down for the new leisure unit overlooking the upcoming public space at St. David’s. That being said, I’m thrilled they’ve chosen the Capitol. This sizeable signing could really change the fate of this end of town and attract some new tenants at The Capitol centre.


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Re: The Capitol

PostSat May 18, 2024 12:02 pm

Looking at the planning application, it will be taking up the majority of the centre, the internal entrance is well into the main arcade and it takes all the space from Station Terrace to a few units beyond the first Queen Street entrance.

Hopefully there are some external improvements planned as it's a mish mash of not very nice design at present, although I expect not judging by the elevations on the planning app.


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Re: The Capitol

PostSat May 18, 2024 4:56 pm

Simon_SW17 wrote:Looking at the planning application, it will be taking up the majority of the centre, the internal entrance is well into the main arcade and it takes all the space from Station Terrace to a few units beyond the first Queen Street entrance.

Hopefully there are some external improvements planned as it's a mish mash of not very nice design at present, although I expect not judging by the elevations on the planning app.

From reading the design access statements (recommend taking a look, there's plenty of visuals and maps) it looks like its taking over the entire eastern end of the centre! Looks like they'll be kicking out Boots, Nero's and Flamingos (and whatever else is still up that end of the centre) but hope they're able to move into some of the remaining units down the western end to fill it out.

Either way this is massive for the Capitol Centre! I really expected it to be knocked down but this could completely change its fortunes with over half the centre taken up by one tenant (which will hopefully draw significant footfall throughout the day).

For what its worth I do hope it gets knocked down eventually because it really turns its back on the station but I'm guessing we may have to wait a couple more decades (provided gravity doesn't relocate/close). Maybe if they improved the public realm on North Edwards st there could be a better pedestrian link from the station to the Canal Qtr which would improve the entrance into town for passengers.


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Re: The Capitol

PostMon May 20, 2024 11:15 am

Yeah this is what I'd been told was coming. Essentially Gravity Max is going to be operating the centre as if its own, so will have its own management running things rather than how it is now with existing centre staff. The only existing tenants remaining will be Tesco, The Gym and Pulse. The rest are currently on short term leases. The work should be complete by September 2025.

I believe The Gym and Car Park will have its own entrance accessible from Queen Street.

Coupled with the new bars due to open on Churchill Way, this will certainly wake up this side of town.


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Re: The Capitol

PostMon May 20, 2024 12:24 pm

Mplan3 wrote:From reading the design access statements (recommend taking a look, there's plenty of visuals and maps) it looks like its taking over the entire eastern end of the centre! Looks like they'll be kicking out Boots, Nero's and Flamingos (and whatever else is still up that end of the centre) but hope they're able to move into some of the remaining units down the western end to fill it out.

Boots hasn't been in the Capitol for some time. Flamingos only ever had a short term lease, and I believe Nero's wants out anyway.

One of the Queen Street facing units outside of the Gravity Max area is earmarked for night time access to The Gym/Car Park and I think another is going to be a Black Sheep Coffee. I'm not sure that leaves many empty units (if any at all) as opposite is mainly occupied by Tesco.

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