if it's about Cardiff.. Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business, Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking, Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
I have it as around 100-101m. It looks like there's around 30 floors. On AVG a floor is about 3.3m high. I also put the floors into https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/height-calculator And that was the result.
The company behind the Copper Works build to rent are planning to build another build to rent on the vacant John Street site. Part of the development is to refurnish the railway archers into retail units. No mention of building height but says it will contain 400 hundred apartments. Based on copper works that has 307 over 22 floors guess this one could be a little bit taller?
Cardiffbay wrote:The company behind the Copper Works build to rent are planning to build another build to rent on the vacant John Street site. Part of the development is to refurnish the railway archers into retail units. No mention of building height but says it will contain 400 hundred apartments. Based on copper works that has 307 over 22 floors guess this one could be a little bit taller?
Shame to lose the hotel element but will be good to see something built there, just Hope St now!
There must be faith in more BTR apartments being needed.
Watkins Jones have submitted an environmental screening opinion for a new development at Custom House St- 33 floors, 105m, communal living. Good to see another 100+m tower but shame to no longer have that beast of tower they had planned previously